Use Your Planner Like a Power Boss


Do you use a planner? How about a to-do list? How you keep yourself organized? For some people staying organized is easy. They know how to do it, but not everyone is as adapt at keeping themselves organized...and to that I just haven't found your system yet. 

I am a systems help me complete things, manage projects, and stay organized and on track. Without my system I would be at an utter loss.

In order for a planner to be effective you have to use it regularly. Here are four steps that I use to help me manage my schedule - give them a try and then tweak them to fit you! 

  1. Make time to review your planner every morning before you start your day, or in the evening the night before. When you take time to review what needs to be done each day and review what appointments / commitments you have it helps you gain a clear understanding of what you have to get done that day.

  2. Make sure your planner has a full monthly calendar. Take time to review the next month and add your important dates on your monthly calendar; birthdays, anniversaries, business trips, vacation days, and even bills that are due during the month. 

    Having the ability to take a full look at your calendar at one time is super beneficial.

  3. Prepare for each Week - At the beginning of each week - transfer any dates for that week to each day so that you can prepare your to-do's in an efficient manner. You can fit a whole day of work into a day that has 3-appointments and a kids soccer preparing for your week is essential for success.

  4. Use your planner as a tool - because that's what it is. However, if you don't use you planner efficiently it won't be of any good to you.

We have several types of planners available in the shop - if you're looking for a planner there are many different types out there. What I will tell you is you may use one for several months and find that a different type fits your needs better. Don't be afraid to experiment with different types until you find the one that works for you.

Check out our store and look at the different planners we offer. If you're interested in one that we have, I want to give you a 10% discount code to use. Most of our planners are undated, however we do have some 17-month planners that started in August 2021, but they are good through December 2022! 

Here's the link to shop and here's the code - plannerpower - to get your discount, if you're interested. The code starts today and is good through Thursday, September 9, 2021.