What's Making You Smile Today?


What's Making You Smile Today?

How do you keep yourself organized?

Every day since I opened the shop people walk by and smile and wave at me. I can't tell you how good that feels. As I wave to them I can feel myself smiling inside and a sense of happiness that I haven't felt in a while.

Getting to know the people in our new little town feels good and when people are friendly, waving and smiling at you...you can't help but smile yourself.

Sometimes we get complacent in our day to day lives and we go about our daily routines...and somewhere along the way we forget to smile. I can tell you that I am smiling  much more lately!

How about you...have you smiled today?

Take a minute to download this PDF and write down 10-things that made you smile today. When you take time to recognize the things that made you smile it helps you feel grateful. Better yet, print one for each day of the week to make sure you take time each day to recognize the things that make you smile.

According to an article on verywellmind.com there are 10-benefits for smiling that I want to share with you:

  1. Smiling helps you live longer.

  2. Smiling relieves stress.

  3. Smiling elevates mood.

  4. Smiling is contagious. 

  5. Smiling boosts the immune system.

  6. Smiling may lower blood pressure.

  7. Smiling reduces pain.

  8. Smiling makes you attractive.

  9. Smiling suggests success.

  10. Smiling helps you stay positive.

Elizabeth Fanslowsmiling, self care