When is the Last Time You Danced?

It’s been too long since I danced...

Our life over the past year has been nothing short of a tornado. Coming out of COVID lockdown, scouting out a new place to live, moving from Florida to Mississippi was just the start. My consulting business was becoming overwhelming and I knew in my heart that I couldn’t keep up the pace.

That was over a year ago that I surrendered to that voice that whispered in my ear that said…"this is the place and this is the time…for you to do that thing."

Richard and I love our Alexa in the kitchen. Not for what you might think. Yes we love that we can yell out what we need to add to the grocery list…but more importantly, for us, she plays Pandora music and we love to listen to music when we’re in the kitchen cooking together.

But over the last year Alexa hasn’t played much music…instead she sits quietly in the corner and her biggest job this year has been to give us the weather, when asked.

Music and dance have been missing from our new home and I didn’t even realize it until last week. While cleaning the kitchen I asked Alexa to play my channel as I started cleaning the kitchen…and just like that…it hit me that I hadn’t really played music 🎼 in our new house and I hadn’t danced in too long!

What is whispering in your ear? What do you need to surrender to so that you can dance again?