It's Never Too Early to Start!

One day this week I posted on social media that Emily Ley's book released. It's her new children's book called You're Always Enough. One of my customers texted me to ask me to hold one for her daughter. She wanted to come by and pick one up for her as she was having a bad week.

You see her grandmother passed away a bit ago and she has been struggling with the loss and her Mom thought the book might help brighten her day. So yesterday she texted to tell me she would be in later in the afternoon.

My heart felt compelled to create a special gift for her daughter, who I have gotten close to over the last few months. So I grabbed one of the children's journals off the shelf and wrapped it up in pretty tissue paper and put it in a bag. I also wrote her a sweet little note to let her know to keep smiling. I asked her to keep creating beautiful art and to write in the journal to help her feel better...and I signed it...Mrs Elizabeth.

I put the little package in the special mailbox we have in the shop and waited for her to come in. When she did I told her to check the mailbox as there was something special in there for her. She was so excited and went over to the little area in the shop where we have chairs. However, she didn't sit in the chair but instead dropped to the floor to open her special gift.

I left her to open it by herself and went over and chatted with her mom. She wondered over to her mom and asked her if she had a pen she could borrow. She sat on the floor intently writing on one of the postcards that came with her new journal...and when she was finished...she handed me this...

This sweet little girl gave me a "Thank You" note! How special is that? 

One of my missions in opening the paper shop has been, since day one, to get more people writing to each other. To send more cards to say thank you, or I have been thinking about you...and she knew just what to do to say thank you for little gift.

If her momma is reading this...thank you for raising the most sweetest and politest young lady! You are definitely doing something RIGHT!

I hope you will keep writing!