Why my word of the year is always... 'intentional.'

Every year I select my 'word of the year'...and every year I pick the word intentional...and there is an intentional reason that I pick it every single year. Let me explain why...

Most people start their year out be selecting a word that they want to focus on through out the year, and in most cases the word is different every year. But for me...my word is the same and that word is 'intentional.'

I have picked that word for many years in a row now and I will keep picking it until I feel that I can move on to another word because I have mastered this one. You see...being intentional is really hard and every day I have to remind myself that my actions and my thoughts need to be intentional because when I don't, I find myself feeling out of sorts and traveling on a path that I didn't intend to be on.

Because being intentional requires me to think about what I say, when I say it, and how I say it. When I am not intentional with my words I can hurt people. I can say things that might not be thought out. Things that may sound sarcastic or judgmental ...and those are two things I never want to be to the people I care about. 

Being intentional with my actions helps keep me moving forward on the path I want to be on. When I am not intentional with my actions I veer off path and find myself in places I don't want to be and not accomplishing the goals that I have set for myself.

Being intentional with my love and respect helps remind me to cherish the people in my life that love me and care for me. Being intentional with my relationships helps me let the people in my life know how important they are too me and how much I respect how they support me and show up for me.

Being intentional in my own personal and spiritual growth helps me better understand how to be a bigger person in this world. When I am intentional I read more and apply what I learn in a way that helps the rest of the areas of my life flourish. When I am not intentional I can become tired, sad and anxious...making life dark and dreadful. 

Being intentional with my finances allows me to live my life in a way that feels good for me and my family. When I am not intentional with my money I spend it on things that are not in line with my goals and life choices. 

You see...I have picked this word several years in a row and I have still not mastered the word intentional. Because being intentional is hard and I am not perfect. So I will keep working on being intentional with my thoughts, actions, love, relationships and finances until it becomes a habit for me...a habit that makes me a better person...one that make choices with the best of intentions.

What's your word for 2022?