Another Mother's Day is Upon Us...

No matter how old we are…we never stop needing our mother…

For the past few weeks I have been sharing writing prompts on Friday mornings (I skipped last Friday because it was a crazy day and I completely forgot to do it - Sorry!)

This week I wanted to incorporate a writing prompt in with my blog post. I wanted to create a writing prompt that was in line with something that happened to me this week.

You may or may not know that both of my parents passed in their 60's and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about picking up the phone and texting or calling my Mom to tell her about something that has happened during the day; something I know she would love to hear or something that would make her laugh.  (She had the most amazing hearty laugh...ask my Aunt Sandy or Aunt Freda...they loved her laugh as much as I did!) 

So with Mother's Day quickly approaching this event that happened this week felt a bit more sad.

We got some big news that we had won Best in Mississippi 2022 for Best Fine Paper Goods! And although I was stunned when we originally got the news a month or so ago it didn't actually feel real till those Mississippi Magazines were delivered to the shop this week and I saw it in print.

My first response was to text a picture to my hubby to celebrate all the hard work we have put into this sweet little paper shop...but my second response was...I wish Mom were here to see this. She would be so proud and I would send her a copy of the magazine and she would share it with all her friends back home. 

But she's not I let the thought slowly slip from my mind.

The following day while working on some new printing designs...Sonya from The Bookstore in the Window texted me to congratulate me and I responded that it was such a great honor and that I wish my Momma was around to see it. And she responded with "you do good work," and I felt the lump in my throat and the tears start to form in my eyes. 

It was time to head home so I packed up my bag and headed to the was there...sitting in the parking lot in front of the library that the tears came hard quick. Yup...the big ugly cry. Sonya's words echoed what I could have imagined my Mom saying to me and well...that was all she wrote and it hit me hard.

So when I got home I wrote my Mom a letter. For me, it's the best way to talk to her when I need to tell her something's the best way to release the feeling of not being able to tell her something I really want to share with her.

Many of us have lost our parents and as you all know...even after a while of not having them around there are still a few bad days here and there. So I wanted to share this letter with you on this Mother's Day and encourage you to grab your journal if you feel the need to share something important or beautiful with your Mom on this Mother’s Day.

And if you’re blessed to still have your Mom…well send her a letter anyway! Letters are special and from the heart - it would be the perfect Mother’s Day Gift!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Momma's out there! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Hey Momma!

It's Wednesday, April 29, 2022 and today I received the Mississippi Magazine in the mail and it's now official that we won the Best in Mississippi 2022 Fine Paper Goods! Can you believe that? I feel so blessed to have won against some of the most amazing and fun paper stores in Mississippi. 

I mean...we haven't even been open a full year yet...right? How cool is that? I know I have told you several times over the last year how much I love doing this and how fun and amazing this is for me. You know how much I loved being a business consultant over the years but it was time for something different and I don't think I could have found a more perfect place to land than where I am now. 

I have to admit that I had a bit of a moment in the car on the way home tonight knowing that I couldn't pick up the phone and talk to you or share this experience with you. But as I always do...I just imagine how excited you used to get whenever I accomplished something big or small. With you it never mattered how big the accomplishment never let it pass without telling me how proud you were of me. 

I wish you were still here and could visit us in would love this sweet little community Mom! 

I love you and miss you terribly!
