Christmas Cards Will Always Be a Priority for Me!

Sending Christmas cards is something that I look forward to every year! This passion of loving on my people has been with me for a long time.

Every year after Thanksgiving I sit down and start preparing my cards and writing out my messages. It seems that our world is full of technology these days and not enough personalized messages, right?

…that handwritten special note that lets people know you’re thinking of them.

I remember one year my husband said to me as he looked at the cards hanging in the doorway of our Tampa apartment…you send out a lot of cards, but you sure don’t get many sent to you.

At first, I felt hurt…he was right...very few people had taken the time to send us a card that year. I think we got about five Christmas cards and that might have even included the one from my paper boy. But then I felt grateful for the five people that did think of me and took the time to send us a card.

You see…it’s not about how many I get in return…it’s about letting my people know that I love them, see them, and think of them. That is important to me…it’s not about only sending cards to people who took the time to send me a card…and it never will be!

Sending cards is not for everyone – I get that! I also hear so many people when they come in the shop and see the Christmas cards say… “who has time for that?

I hear the discussions with their friends as they shop… “I used to send cards, but I just don’t have the time anymore.”

There are just some things that I refuse to not make time for in my busy life and one of them is sending out Christmas cards!


Because it was a tradition that my dad took the time to do and it’s one that over the years I have never let slip. I always make the time. Even when I had kiddos at home and life seemed like we couldn’t fit one more second in it…I made the time.

I made the time because it was and still is important to me.

“I don’t have time means…it’s not a priority. We always have time for what matters to us.” Laura Vanderkam

How To Make ‘Christmas Card Sending’ Fun!

We all know that some folks love to send special cards and others just feel good when they can purchase a box of cards and get them addressed and mailed. And no matter where you fall on this scale…no one is judging! (Especially not me!)

I will feel successful if I can get you to fall on the “at least I got them mailed” scale.

But here are just a few tips to help you make the process more fun and enjoyable:

  • First create your list of folks you want to send cards to…
    I change and update my list every year. Some new people are always added and yes some do get removed…whether our paths are no longer crossing, or they are no longer with us.

    Whatever the reason is…life changes and so should your Christmas card list. This is the first thing I do, and I like to grab a cup of coffee and turn on my Christmas music and think about each person on my list. I love remembering the year and how I interacted with that person. Sometimes the memories are good, and funny…and sometimes they may have been sad and challenging.

    This is when I think about the things, I want to say to them…how I want to wrap up the year and let them know what they mean to me or how they impacted my life in general or during the year

  • Purchase Your Cards or Make Them
    Whether you purchase yours at the store or make them yourself…either does the job perfectly.

    I am not a crafty person so making my own cards has never been an option. However, when my kids were little, I did encourage them to make cards for their teachers and grandparents…and it was a fun family activity.

    There are so many options when purchasing cute, beautiful, and fun Christmas cards so start looking for them at the beginning of November and you will be sure to find something that fits your personality!

    It's also fun to take a family picture and have it made into a card for you. I don’t know about you, but I love getting those cards from my friends and family…sometimes we don’t get to see everyone throughout the year so getting an updated family picture makes me so happy! (And yes, I keep them!)

    No matter what you decide…remember it’s about the thought not how fancy or beautiful the card might be.

  • Addressing the Envelopes
    I probably shouldn’t admit this…but addressing the envelopes is always my favorite part of sending my cards.

    I know…weird right?

    Well before you roll your eyes and think that I have lost it…let me explain. I love writing the name and address on the front of the envelope in a beautiful way. And I love to dress the back of the envelope up with beautiful washi tape.

    Over the years my hands have suffered the unfortunate side effects of arthritis and it does affect my handwriting. So, I have learned to write with a guide which helps me keep my hand from jerking and messing up my writing. It keeps me writing straight and looks beautiful.

    No one would ever know…except that I am spilling my secret because my dear friend said to me on the phone a few weeks ago.

    “I got your card the other day…thank you so much. If I could write like you do, I would send more cards…but I hate my handwriting.”

    Problem solved – use an Addressing Stencil to create beautifully addressed envelopes!

I hope some of these tips help you get your Christmas Card project underway, and I hope that you have fun and enjoy it as much as I do!

And remember, if you need cards, address stencils or fun Christmas washi tape – stop and see me at the Paper Shop! We can get you fixed up!

Happy Christmas Card Sending!

Elizabeth FanslowComment