Traditions That Stand the Test of Time...

It's hard to believe that we're at the end of the month of October already. November is around the corner and along with it comes the Thanksgiving holiday. This time of year always brings back memories of my parents and how we celebrated the holidays when they were still with us. 

Everything I learned about cooking came from spending time cooking with my Mom & Dad. All the traditions around our Thanksgiving menus are memories that I will never forget or let go of...I have worked hard to pass down those traditions to my kids and grandkids and I hope that they will create new ones as they grow with their own families. 

My parents, especially my Dad...passed his passion down to me; he loved to make every holiday perfect and so much fun for us as kids. Cool fall weather took us pumpkin hunting, finding the perfect Christmas Tree at the local Christmas tree farms, ice skating on the ponds, and baking...lots of baking. Our house was always filled with the smells of food and the smells of the holiday...apples, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie. I wanted my kids to grow up enjoying their childhood and creating memories of their own; but also taking a bit of mine along with them...a little bit of my parents.

Traditions are passed down from generation to generation...part of the reason that I opened the paper shop was to help continue traditions like sending cards by mail; writing letters on beautiful stationary and putting a stamp on it and dropping it in the mail. It's about reading a paper book and not one on your iPad and writing in a paper journal instead of typing on a computer. All of these things are important to me and continuing traditions that have always made me feel warm and comforted.

Don't get me wrong...I love technology...but I love paper more!